Gratis Library

Free eBooks & Podcasts for Web Developers & UX Engineers

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About Gratis Library

The Web development community is a very inclusive group; always building fresh resources to help teach the next generation all the latest languages, frameworks, and cutting edge techniques. Gratis Library is a curated list that specializes in the free eBooks and podcasts you can read and listen to on the go to improve your skillset.

All of the eBooks in the library have been made available from the author without cost. A few require signing up for a newsletter or sending a tweet or something before you can access the PDF though these are clearly identified as such. Some eBooks come in different formats like online only (HTML), PDF, ePub, etc. The podcasts are free both to stream and download. Some have RSS or iTunes feeds covering their entire catalog. Several of the podcasts have been archived (discontinued), however the content is still considered relevant or interesting so they have been included in the list. Both eBooks and Podcasts provide a link to the contents homepage and hope that you support the author.

License Agreement

This license aims to be as straight forward as possible; no jargon, no lengthy prose, just plain English! So let's get started. First, this website links to a lot of third party websites with hopefully good quality content; however, when you click any link, I cease to be responsible or liable for what other peoples sites do or say - so take care when browsing.

Second, all of the eBooks included have been checked (to the best of my ability) to be free of piracy issues (everything linked to should be free because the author wishes it so). If you find a link that shouldn't be there, contact me immediately and it'll be taken down as soon as possible. If you find dead, or moved links, the same rules also apply.

Third, all of the content linked to should be of a certain quality. If the site hosting it is poor, or if the eBook or show itself is bad - say missing lots of episodes or trying to upsell you or giving outdated practices; it won't be included. That being said, old content with historic or practical usefulness will be included. Years of publication will be given.

Frequently Asked Questions

How can I add a missing eBook or Podcast missing to your catalog?
Currently, the easiest way to contribute is to email your submission and I'll review the title to ensure it meets the quality standards for the site. Remember: it can't be spam-like, it must be truely free, and it should be worth reading or listening too!
Are you planning to add another source of free useful content?
At the moment, I'm sticking to free eBooks and Podcasts as that's what I tend to read and listen to myself on a regular basis; it keeps me up-to-date and learn interesting new viewpoints on industry subjects. Maybe in the future I'll revisit this subject if I get time.
How often do you add new eBooks and Podcasts to the list?
I plan to roll out updates whenever I come across fresh titles on the Web. With the initial release of the app I already have quite an extensive collection of both eBooks (750+) and Podcasts (100+), so you'll find a wealth of content already available for you to enjoy.



Art Of XSD, TheRedGate2009491PDF
Dive Into HTML5Mark Pilgrim2011254HTML
DocBook: The Definitive GuideO'Reilly1999652HTML
Essential XML Quick ReferenceAddison-Wesley2003418PDF
How To Code In HTML5 And CSS3Damian Wielgosik2016127HTML, PDF, ePub, Mobi
HTML Canvas Deep DiveJosh Marinacci2014101HTML
HTML HandbookFlavio Copes201987HTML, PDF, ePub
HTML5 Canvas Notes For ProfessionalsGoalKicker2018179PDF
HTML5 For Web DesignersJeremy Keith201085HTML
HTML5 Notes For ProfessionalsGoalKicker2018123PDF
HTML5 Shoot-em Up In An AfternoonBryan Bibat201595HTML, PDF, ePub, Mobi
Hypermedia SystemsGross, Stepinski & Akşi̇mşek2023383HTML
HyperText Markup LanguageWikiBooks201741HTML
Linked DataTom Heath & Christian Bizer2011136HTML
Pocket Guide To Writing SVGJoni Trythall201846HTML
Pro HTML5 ProgrammingApress2011343HTML
Software Engineering For Internet ApplicationsAndersson, Greenspun & Grumet2006216HTML
SVG On The Web: A Practical GuideJake Giltsoff201722HTML
Teach Yourself HTML 4 In 24 HoursSams1999512HTML
Teach Yourself XML In 21 DaysSams2003888HTML
XML: Managing Data ExchangeWikiBooks2018279HTML


Atomic DesignBrad Frost2016220HTML
Bootstrap: Responsive Web DevelopmentJake Spurlock2013128HTML, PDF
Cascading Style SheetsWikiBooks201838HTML
CSS Animation 101Donovan Hutchinson201895HTML, PDF, ePub
CSS Animations Pocket Guide, TheVal Head201365PDF, ePub, Mobi
CSS HandbookFlavio Copes2019172HTML, PDF, ePub
CSS Notes For ProfessionalsGoalKicker2018243PDF
CSS3 SuccinctlySyncFusion2015129HTML, PDF, ePub, Mobi
Defensive CSSAhmad Shadeed202263HTML
Enduring CSSBen Frain2016134HTML
Greatest CSS Tricks Vol IChris Coyier2018103HTML, PDF, ePub, Mobi
HTML And CSS Is Hard: But It Doesn't Have To BeInternetingIsHard2017268HTML
Learn CSS Layout: The Pedantic WayMikito Takada2015112HTML
Learn To Code HTML And CSSShay Howe2019300HTML
Learn To Code Advanced HTML And CSSShay Howe2019226HTML
Magic Of CSS, TheAdam Schwartz201838HTML
Maintainable CSSAdam Silver201930HTML
Making Your Website ResponsiveMonstersPost201716PDF
Mastering Modern CSS LayoutsNoel Rappin201743PDF, ePub, Mobi
Scalable And Modular Architecture For CSSJonathan Snook2012112HTML, PDF, ePub, Mobi
Styling With SassJulio Ody201923HTML
Taking Your Talent To The WebJeffrey Zeldman2001425PDF
Twitter Bootstrap 3 SuccinctlySyncFusion2014110HTML, PDF, ePub, Mobi
Twitter Bootstrap 4 SuccinctlySyncFusion2018115HTML, PDF, ePub, Mobi
Twitter Bootstrap SuccinctlySyncFusion2014114HTML, PDF, ePub, Mobi
Understanding FlexboxOhans Emmanuel2017110PDF
W3.CSS SuccinctlySyncFusion201885HTML, PDF, ePub, Mobi
Web Visual Effects with CSS3Thomas Mak201894HTML


Advanced JavaScript ObjectsCarl Riis202270HTML
Book Of Modern Frontend ToolingAddy Osmani, Et al.201540HTML
Building Browser Apps With Google ChromeAndy Sylvester201539HTML
Building Front-End Web Apps With Plain JavaScriptGerd Wagner2015232HTML
Coding For DesignersDerek Knox201873HTML
CoffeeScript RistrettoReg Braithwaite2014125HTML, PDF, ePub, Mobi
Concise TypeScript BookSimone Poggiali2023180ePub
Deep JavaScriptDr Axel Rauschmayer2020204HTML
Designing Scalable JavaScript ApplicationsManning2016128PDF
DOM EnlightenmentCody Lindley2013132HTML
ECMAScript 6 SuccinctlySyncFusion2016106HTML, PDF, ePub, Mobi
Eloquent JavaScriptMarijn Haverbeke2019448HTML, PDF, ePub, Mobi
Exploring ES2016 And ES2017Dr Axel Rauschmayer201859HTML
Exploring ES2018 And ES2019Dr Axel Rauschmayer201887HTML
Exploring ES6Dr Axel Rauschmayer2018641HTML
Gulp SuccinctlySyncFusion201694HTML, PDF, ePub, Mobi
Hard Rock CoffeeScriptAlex Chaplinsky201627HTML
Human JavaScriptHenrik Joreteg201438HTML
Introduction To Programming With JavaScriptLaunch School2019104HTML
JavaScript AllongéReg Braithwaite2019511HTML, PDF, ePub, Mobi
JavaScript Bible: 4th EditionWiley20012327PDF
JavaScript ChallengesTomás Corral Casas201730HTML
JavaScript EnlightenmentCody Lindley2011141PDF
JavaScript (ES2015+) EnlightenmentCody Lindley2019118HTML
JavaScript EssentialsTechotopia2012115HTML
JavaScript For Data ScientistsGans, Hodges & Wilson2020129HTML, PDF
JavaScript For Impatient ProgrammersDr Axel Rauschmayer2021319PDF, ePub, Mobi
JavaScript GardenIvo Wetzel, Zhang Yi Jiang & Tim Ruffles201819HTML
JavaScript Handbook, TheFlavio Copes201856HTML, PDF, ePub
JavaScript In 10 MinutesSpencer Tipping201327PDF
JavaScript Notes For ProfessionalsGoalKicker2018489PDF
JavaScript Plus A Dash Of jQueryNicholas Johnson201437HTML
JavaScript SpessoreReg Braithwaite2015364HTML
JavaScript SuccinctlySyncFusion2012130HTML, PDF, ePub, Mobi
JavaScript: The First 20 YearsBrendan Eich & Allen Wirfs-Brock2020190PDF
Little Book On CoffeeScript, TheO'Reilly201269HTML
Mastering Modular JavaScriptNicolás Bevacqua2018164HTML
Mobile Web 2.0AT&T200934PDF
Modern JavaScript Tutorial, TheIlya Kantor, Et al.2019710HTML
Modern Web Development On The JAMstackO'Reilly2019113PDF
Mythbusters JSKiko Beats201955HTML
Oh My JSAzat Mardan2015136HTML
Patterns For Large-Scale JavaScript Application ArchitectureAddy Osmani201119HTML
Practical Modern JavaScriptNicolás Bevacqua2017334HTML
Professor Frisby's Mostly Adequate Guide To Functional ProgrammingMostly Adequate2018115HTML, PDF, ePub, Mobi
Robust Client-Side JavaScriptMathias Schäfer2017246HTML, ePub
Secrets Of The JavaScript NinjaJohn Resig & Bear Bibeault2013392HTML
Setting Up ES6Dr Axel Rauschmayer201676HTML
Single Page App BookMikito Takada2013112HTML
Smooth CoffeeScriptE Hoigaard2013222HTML
Speaking JavaScriptDr Axel Rauschmayer2014460HTML
State Of JavaScript In 2019Progress201953PDF
SurviveJS MaintenanceJuho Vepsäläinen2019181HTML
Teach Yourself JavaScript In 24 HoursSams2002428HTML
Total TypeScript EssentialsMatt Pocock, Et al.2024735HTML
TypeScript AcceleratedJames Porter201856ePub, Mobi
TypeScript Deep DiveBasarat Ali Syed201935HTML, PDF, ePub, Mobi
TypeScript Notes For ProfessionalsGoalKicker201896PDF
TypeScript SuccinctlySyncFusion201382HTML, PDF, ePub, Mobi
Understanding ECMAScript 6Nicholas C Zakas2018322HTML
Understanding JavaScript PromisesNicholas C. Zakas202151PDF
Woork Handbook, TheAntonio Lupetti2008133PDF
You Don't Know JS: Async And PerformanceKyle Simpson2015161HTML
You Don't Know JS: ES6 And BeyondKyle Simpson2015154HTML
You Don't Know JS: Scopes And ClosuresKyle Simpson201453HTML
You Don't Know JS: This And Object PrototypesKyle Simpson201495HTML
You Don't Know JS: Types And GrammarKyle Simpson2015106HTML
You Don't Know JS: Up And GoingKyle Simpson201542HTML


A Complete Guide For Learning Backbone.jsMohit Jain201257HTML
Accessible VueMarcus Herrmann2021146HTML, PDF, ePub, Mobi
Angular 2 SuccinctlySyncFusion2017123HTML, PDF, ePub, Mobi
An Introduction To libuvNikhil Marathe201667HTML, PDF, ePub
Angular 2+ Notes For ProfessionalsGoalKicker2018231PDF
Angular BasicsScriptyBooks2015149HTML
Angular SuccinctlySyncFusion2019124HTML, PDF, ePub, Mobi
AngularJS Directives In TractionAmit Gharat2015140HTML, PDF, ePub, Mobi
AngularJS In 60 MinutesDan Wahlin2013104PDF
AngularJS Notes For ProfessionalsGoalKicker2018200PDF
AngularJS: Step By Logical StepNicholas Johnson201418HTML
AngularJS SuccinctlySyncFusion2014108HTML, PDF, ePub, Mobi
AngularJS VS EmberJSBrendan Graetz2017103HTML, PDF, ePub, Mobi
Aurelia SuccinctlySyncFusion2017102HTML, PDF, ePub, Mobi
Backbone TutorialsThomas Davis201255HTML, PDF, ePub, Mobi
Beginning AureliaBehzad Abbasi2017218HTML, PDF, ePub, Mobi
Beginning ElmPawan Poudel2018729HTML
Bing Maps V8 SuccinctlySyncFusion2017106HTML, PDF, ePub, Mobi
Building A JavaScript FrameworkAlex Young201081PDF
Complete Redux Book, TheIlya Gelman & Boris Dinkevich2018204HTML, PDF, ePub, Mobi
D3 Tips And TricksMalcolm Maclean2019604HTML, PDF, ePub, Mobi
Deno HandbookFlavio Copes202046HTML, PDF, ePub
Developing Backbone.js ApplicationsAddy Osmani2013191PDF, ePub, Mobi
Elm AcceleratedJames Porter2018142ePub, Mobi
Express HandbookFlavio Copes202334HTML, PDF, ePub
Express.js GuideAzat Mardan201477HTML
Express.js HandbookFlavio Copes201860HTML, PDF, ePub
From JavaScript To RustJarrod Overson2021166PDF
Google Maps API SuccinctlySyncFusion2018104HTML, PDF, ePub, Mobi
Hacking With ReactPaul Hudson2016123HTML
jQuery EnlightenmentCody Lindley2009123PDF
jQuery FundamentalsRebecca Murphey2012111HTML
jQuery Notes For ProfessionalsGoalKicker201866PDF
jQuery SuccinctlySyncFusion201291HTML, PDF, ePub, Mobi
Keystone.js SuccinctlySyncFusion201783HTML, PDF, ePub, Mobi
Knockout.js SuccinctlySyncFusion201268HTML, PDF, ePub, Mobi
Leaflet.js SuccinctlySyncFusion2016106HTML, PDF, ePub, Mobi
Learn.js Vol 1-3Seth Vincent2014100HTML
Learn You an ElmMiran Lipovača2019283HTML
Make JavaScript GamesRitza2021241PDF, ePub, Mobi
Marionette ExposéJack Killilea201373HTML, PDF, ePub, Mobi
Mastering Node.jsTJ Holowaychuk201114HTML, PDF, ePub, Mobi
Meteor TutorialMatthew Platts201584HTML
Mixu's Node BookMikito Takada2012317HTML
Next.js HandbookFlavio Copes2020102HTML, PDF, ePub
Node, Express And libsass: A Project From Scratch WorkshopDale Sande2015128HTML, PDF, ePub, Mobi
Node.js HandbookFlavio Copes2018189HTML, PDF, ePub
Node.js Notes For ProfessionalsGoalKicker2018333PDF
Node.js SuccinctlySyncFusion201676HTML, PDF, ePub, Mobi
Practical AngularJSDinis Cruz2016200HTML, PDF, ePub, Mobi
Programming React NativeDotan Nahum2016167HTML, PDF, ePub, Mobi
React BitsVasa2018126HTML, PDF, ePub, Mobi
React EnlightenmentCody Lindley2019108HTML, PDF, ePub, Mobi
React HandbookFlavio Copes2018207HTML, PDF, ePub
React In PatternsKrasimir Tsonev2018149HTML, PDF, ePub, Mobi
React In-DepthDevelopmentArc201770HTML, PDF, ePub, Mobi
React.js Notes For ProfessionalsGoalKicker2018109PDF
React HandbookFlavio Copes202331HTML, PDF, ePub
React Native AnimationCode Daily201850HTML
React Native ExpressDevin Abbott2018104HTML
React Native Notes For ProfessionalsGoalKicker201890PDF
React.js SuccinctlySyncFusion2016102HTML, PDF, ePub, Mobi
Recipes With Angular.jsFrederik Dietz2014103HTML
SurviveJS ReactJuho Vepsäläinen2018257HTML
SurviveJS WebPackJuho Vepsäläinen2019358HTML
Svelte HandbookFlavio Copes201940HTML, PDF, ePub
Understanding ReduxOhans Emmanuel2018181HTML
Vue Handbook, TheFlavio Copes2018122HTML, PDF, ePub
Writing Modular JavaScript With AMD CommonJS And ES HarmonyAddy Osmani201222HTML
Your First Meteor ApplicationMeteor Tips2018143HTML
Your Second Meteor ApplicationMeteor Tips2018184HTML


500 Lines Or LessMichael DiBernardo2016478HTML
Accounting SuccinctlySyncFusion201589HTML, PDF, ePub, Mobi
ActionScript ProgrammingWikiBooks201837HTML
AlgorithmsJeff Erickson2018429PDF
Algorithms: 4th EditionSedgewick2011275HTML
Algorithms: Fundamental TechniquesWikiBooks2017275HTML
Algorithms Notes For ProfessionalsGoalKicker2018256PDF
Application Insights SuccinctlySyncFusion201875HTML, PDF, ePub, Mobi
Architecture Of Open Source Applications Vol I, TheBrown and Wilson2014432HTML
Architecture Of Open Source Applications Vol II, TheBrown and Wilson2012390HTML
Bastards Book of Regular Expressions, TheDan Nguyen2013166HTML, PDF, ePub, Mobi
Big Book Of Team Culture, TheActiveCollab2017224PDF
Bland Book, TheRoss & Mellor202064PDF
Book Of Collaboration, TheMarvel201931PDF
Bootstrapper's Bible, TheSeth Godin2004103HTML, PDF
BrainwashedSeth Godin201014PDF
Building a Profitable Web Design BusinessShopify2017122HTML, PDF
CollaborateGatherContent201732HTML, ePub, Mobi
Data Structures And AlgorithmsGranville Barnett & Luca Del Tongo2008112PDF
Developer Advocacy Handbook, TheChristian Heilmann2020179HTML
Developing User-Friendly Flash ContentChris MacGregor200118HTML
Development Environments For BeginnersSeth Vincent201559HTML
Everyone's An Expert About SomethingSeth Godin200532PDF
Fans Friends And FollowersScott Kirsner2010132PDF
Field Guide To Self-Employed Web Design, TheUX Pin201550PDF
Focus ManifestoLeo Babauta2010121PDF
Freelance Web Designers Guide, TheWebflow201686HTML
Front-End Developer Handbook 2019Frontend Masters2019145HTML, PDF, ePub
Front-End Interview HandbookYangshun Tay202081HTML
Front-End StandardsMark Brown201121HTML
Front-End Web And JS RoadmapSimpleStepsCode201617PDF
Getting Started With Web ApplicationsAT&T201026PDF
Growth Handbook, TheIntercom201878PDF, ePub, Mobi
GTD For HackersLars Wirzenius201443HTML, PDF, ePub, Mobi
Introduction To Functional ProgrammingJohn Harrison1997168PDF
How To Be No1Ben Hunt201294PDF
How To Be Rich TodayBen Hunt201454PDF
How To Do What You Love And Earn What You're Worth as a ProgrammerReg Braithwaite201345HTML, PDF, ePub, Mobi
How To Get Any Job You WantBrandon Skerritt2019202HTML, PDF
How to Innovate as a DeveloperVahe Aslanyan2023149HTML
Intercom On Project ManagementIntercom201759PDF, ePub, Mobi
Intercom On Starting UpIntercom2017122PDF
Introduction To Regular ExpressionsLaunch School201945HTML
Learning To LaunchContrast201662HTML, PDF
Little Book Of Contentment, TheLeo Babauta2013110PDF, ePub, Mobi
Maintaining Open Source ProjectsThoughtBot201659PDF
Managing Agile Open-Source Software Projects With Microsoft Visual StudioMicrosoft2015152PDF
MDN Browser Compatibility ReportMozilla2020120PDF
Mind HackingSir John Hargrave2018160HTML, PDF, ePub, Mobi
Mobile Media: Taking Advantage Of The Latest Multimedia TechnologyAT&T200934PDF
Nature Of CodeDaniel Shiffman2024640HTML
Pay Me Or Else!Lior Frenkel201573PDF, ePub
PDF SuccinctlySyncFusion201262HTML, PDF, ePub, Mobi
Performance Of Open Source Applications, TheTavish Armstrong2013181HTML
PNG: The Definitive GuideO'Reilly1999340HTML
Productivity Manifesto, TheNathan Barry201326PDF
Project Management Methodologies And FrameworksActiveCollab2017188PDF
Programming Windows 8 Apps With HTML, CSS And JSMicrosoft2012833PDF
Programming Windows Store Apps With HTML CSS And JavaScriptMicrosoft2014255PDF
Public Speaking For Geeks SuccinctlySyncFusion201870HTML, PDF, ePub, Mobi
Regular ExpressionsWikiBooks201720HTML
Regular Expressions SuccinctlySyncFusion201494HTML, PDF, ePub, Mobi
Rethinking Productivity In Software EngineeringApress2019310PDF, ePub
Sales Handbook, TheIntercom201888PDF
Shape Up37signals2019162HTML
SOLID Principles SuccinctlySyncFusion201678HTML, PDF, ePub, Mobi
State Of Frontend 2020The Software House202055HTML, PDF
State Of Open Source SecuritySnyk202349PDF
Statistics Fundamentals SuccinctlySyncFusion2016104HTML, PDF, ePub, Mobi
Starting a StartupJulian Shapiro202282HTML
Startup PlaybookSam Altman201530HTML
Strategic Marketing Process, TheModerandi200996PDF
Strategic Web DesignWebGuru201734PDF
Tech Interview HandbookYangshun Tay201998HTML
Type Theory And Functional ProgrammingSimon Thompson1991378PDF
Visual Studio Code SuccinctlySyncFusion2016128HTML, PDF, ePub, Mobi
Web Browser EngineeringPanchekha & Harrelson2021102HTML
WebGL InsightsCRC Press2015416PDF
What I've Learned From FailureReg Braithwaite2011119HTML



An Insight Into The World Of Website Design And DevelopmentWebGuru201126PDF
Adaptive Web DesignAaron Gustafson2019144HTML
Adobe Type PrimerAdobe200020PDF
Animation In Design SystemsVal Head202039PDF
Art And Science Of Web Design, TheJeff Veen2001134PDF
Best Articles Of Medium In 2015: Design, UI, UXMedium2015480PDF
Best Of Smashing MagazineSmashing Magazine2011408PDF
Best Website Designs Of 2016, TheUX Pin2015156PDF
Building Blocks Of Visual Hierarchy, TheUX Pin201538PDF
Building UI Mockups Developers Won't HateUX Pin201533PDF
Color Blind EssentialsCoblindor202028PDF
Color Theory In Web UI DesignUX Pin201534PDF
Combining TypefacesTim Brown201663PDF
Consistency In UI DesignUX Pin201537PDF
Creating A Design SystemUX Pin201741PDF
Creative AidKooroo2013142PDF
Critical Components Of Web UI Style Guides, TheUX Pin201648PDF
Dark Patterns At ScalePrinceton201932PDF
Design: Creation Of Artifacts In SocietyKarl T Ulrich2011145PDF, ePub, Mobi
Design For A Perfect ScreenTal Florentin2015115PDF
Design For BusinessTubik Studio201646PDF
Design Funnel: A Manifesto For Meaningful DesignStephen Hay200812PDF
Design ProfessionalismAndy Rutledge2011104HTML
Design Systems And Front-End ArchitectureStuart Robson2019183PDF
Designers Guide To DPISebastien Gabriel201451HTML
Designing For The WebMark Boulton2009261HTML, PDF, ePub, Mobi
Designing InterfacesO'Reilly2005352HTML
Designing Mobile InterfacesO'Reilly2011584HTML
Designs Iron FistJarrod Drysdale2016108PDF
Digital Graphic Recording Quick StartThe Visual Planner202033PDF
Digital Photography For Graphic CommunicationsRyerson University201987PDF
Elegant Web TypographyJeff Croft2007130PDF
Elegant Web UI Design TechniquesUX Pin201552PDF
Elements Of Content Strategy, TheErin Kissane201179HTML
Elements Of Style, TheWilliam Strunk201137HTML
Elements Of Typographic Style Applied To The Web, TheRichard Rutter2013398HTML
Essential Image OptimizationAddy Osmani201892HTML
Field Guide To Web ApplicationsBert Appward201274HTML
Flat Design And ColorsUX Pin201552PDF
Flat Design Trends 2016UX Pin201529PDF
Getting Started With Design SystemsMarvel201923PDF
Graphic Design for Non-Profit OrganizationsMassimo Vignelli & Peter Laundry198052PDF
Guide To Interactive Wireframing, TheUX Pin201578PDF
Guide To Mockups, TheUX Pin201671PDF
Guide To Wireframing, TheUX Pin2016113PDF
How Do You Design?Hugh Dubberly2004146PDF
How To Make Sense Of Any MessAbby Covert2014174HTML
Icon Design GuideIcon Utopia201654PDF
Interface Design ChecklistSmashing Magazine2020152PDF
Learning PatternsLydia Hallie & Addy Osmani2021436HTML, PDF, ePub
Logo DesignTubik Studio201645PDF
Manual: Issue 1-5, TheAndy McMillan2011219HTML
Meaningful Mobile TypographyUX Pin201531PDF
Meet Your TypeFontShop201052PDF
Minimalist UI Design Trends 2016UX Pin201640PDF
Mobile Book Of Trends 2014UX Pin2014155PDF
Mobile UI Design Trends Present And FutureUX Pin201534PDF
Mobile UI Design Book Of Trends 2015-16UX Pin2015123PDF
Mobile Material Design 2016UX Pin201622PDF
Mobile UI Design Patterns 2014UX Pin2014134PDF
Mobile UI Design Trends Present And FutureUX Pin201534PDF
Modern Web Design Process, TheWebflow201777HTML
Pixel Perfect Precision HandbookUsTwo2014214PDF, iBook
Practical TypographyMatthew Butterick2019290HTML
Professional Web TypographyDonny Truong201653HTML
Programming Design SystemsRune Madsen2019305HTML
Prototyping For Product ManagersUX Pin201638PDF
Resilient Web DesignJeremy Keith2016150HTML, PDF, ePub, Mobi
Responsive And Adaptive Web DesignUX Pin201552PDF
Responsive Web Design Best PracticesUX Pin2015126PDF
Save The PixelBen Hunt2010188PDF
Shape Of Design, TheFrank Chimero2011103HTML, PDF, ePub, Mobi
State Of Web Design: 2016 EditionUX Pin201559PDF
Stop Stealing SheepErik Spiekermann2022127PDF
Storytelling In Web UI DesignUX Pin201526PDF
Style ManualAndy Taylor201211HTML
Tactical UI Design PatternsUX Pin2015103PDF
Task-Centered User Interface DesignClayton Lewis & John Rieman1994170HTML, PDF
Tech Writing HandbookDozuki201847HTML, PDF
Timeless Mobile Design TrendsUX Pin201527PDF
Top 10 Web Design Trends Of 2015UX Pin201527PDF
Type ClassificationJacob Cass200829PDF
Typography PlaybookNguyen Le2018149PDF
UI Tips For Web Design EnthusiastsMonstersPost201624PDF
Vietnamese TypographyDonny Trương201858HTML
Vignelli CanonMassimo Vignelli200999PDF
Visual Storytellers Guide To Web UI DesignUX Pin201567PDF
Visual Style Guide TemplateBlueSodaPromo201311PDF
Visual Testing HandbookStorybook.js202143HTML
Way To Design, TheSteve Vassallo2018113HTML, PDF
Web Design 101Webflow201632HTML
Web Design And Mobile Trends For 2013Awwwards2013113PDF
Web Design Essentials for Non-DesignersMonstersPost201617PDF
Web Design Is DeadBen Hunt201546PDF, ePub, Mobi
Web Design Trends 2013 - 2014UX Pin2013187PDF
Web Design Trends 2015 - 2016UX Pin2015185PDF
Web Design Trends 2017UX Pin201765PDF
Web Design Trends 2018UX Pin201875PDF
Web Design Trends 2019UX Pin201965PDF
Web Interface HandbookImperavi2021228HTML
Web Style GuidePatrick J Lynch & Sarah Horton2016384HTML
Web UI Design Best PracticesUX Pin2014108PDF
Web UI Design for the Human Eye: Colors Space ContrastUX Pin201576PDF
Web UI Design for the Human Eye: Content Patterns And TypographyUX Pin201571PDF
Web UI Design Patterns 2014UX Pin2014194PDF
Web UI Design Patterns 2016: Volume 1UX Pin2016142PDF
Web UI Design ProcessUX Pin201525PDF
Web UI Trends Present And Future: Card Design PatternsUX Pin201530PDF
Web UI Trends Present And Future: Dramatic TypographyUX Pin201528PDF
Web UI Trends Present And Future: Elegance Of MinimalismUX Pin201535PDF
Web UI Trends Present And Future: Evolution Of Flat DesignUX Pin201531PDF
Web UI Trends Present And Future: Vibrancy Of ColorUX Pin201530PDF
White Space In Web UI DesignUX Pin201529PDF
Why Build A Design SystemUX Pin201719PDF
Why Do We InterfaceEhsan Noursalehi202061HTML
Winning Over Users With Attractive UI DesignUX Pin201540PDF
Writing With StyleMonstersPost201623PDF
Zen Of White Space In Web UI Design: Space Ratios MinimalismUX Pin201572PDF
Zen Of White Space In Web UI Design: Balance Contrast HierarchyUX Pin201557PDF

User-Experience Design

10 Pro Tips For Smarter UX Design ProcessUX Pin201522PDF
23-Point UX Checklist, TheUX Pin201618PDF
3 Common UX Mistakes Killing Good DesignUX Pin201518PDF
5 Building Blocks of Interaction DesignUX Pin201530PDF
50 UX Best PracticesAbove The Fold201262PDF
50 Web Design SecretsBen Hunt201148PDF
A Beginner's Guide to Finding Users NeedsJan Dittrich2023133HTML
A Beginner's Guide to Website Speed OptimizationKinsta201863HTML
Agile Planning: From Ideas to Story CardsLaunch School201989HTML
Agile UX In The EnterpriseUX Pin201536PDF
Art Of Community, TheJono Bacon2019574PDF
Artificial Intelligence Driven Design Vol 1-4Awwwards2019109PDF
Basics Of User Experience Design, TheIDF201772PDF
Beginners Guide To SEO, TheMoz201552HTML, PDF
Book Of Speed, TheStoyan Stefanov201152HTML
Brain Food: Case Studies Vol 1Awwwards201651PDF
Brain Food: Case Studies Vol 2Awwwards201763PDF
Brain Food: Speed MattersAwwwards201746PDF
Brain Food: WebGL Performance TipsAwwwards201617PDF
Brick By BrickSacha Greif201536HTML, PDF
Bright Ideas For User Experience DesignersUserFocus201298PDF
Bright Ideas For User Experience ManagersUserFocus201276PDF
Bright Ideas For User Experience ResearchersUserFocus201289PDF
Bringing Numbers to LifeJohn Armitage2016659HTML
Building A Device LabDestiny Montague & Lara Hogan201589HTML, PDF, ePub, Mobi
Converting The BelieversDr. Pete Meyers200830PDF
Data And DesignInfoactive2015299PDF
Definitive Guide To Integrating UX And Agile, TheUX Pin201798PDF
Definitive Guide To SEO, TheBacklinko2023112HTML, PDF
Demystifying Delightful Interaction DesignUX Pin201573PDF
Design Collaboration For Product Teams Vol 1UX Pin201561PDF
Design Collaboration For Product Teams Vol 2UX Pin201524PDF
The What, How, and Why of Design SystemsAndrea Hock202034PDF
Designers Guide To Collaborating With Developers, TheUX Pin201580PDF
Designing Better UX With UI PatternsUX Pin201554PDF
Designing For PerformanceO'Reilly2014182HTML
Effective Designer, TheAlex Charchar201557PDF
Elements of PsychologyHenry N Day1876164HTML
Eliminate UX DebtUX Pin201648PDF
Encyclopedia of Human-Computer Interaction 2nd EditionMads Soegaard & Rikke Friis Dam20144,000HTML
Enterprise UX Industry Report 2017 - 2018UX Pin201838PDF
Essential Elements Of Successful UX Design, TheUX Pin201838PDF
EU Cookie Law: The Definitive GuideSilktide201161PDF
Ethical Web DevEDRi202020PDF
Exclusive DesignVasilis Van Gemert201982HTML
Fable Of The User-Centered Designer, TheUserFocus200940PDF, ePub
Field Guide to Human-Centered Design, TheIDEO2015192PDF
Field Guide To UX Strategy, TheUX Pin201591PDF
Fixing The Enterprise UX ProcessUX Pin201776PDF
Flipping The FunnelSeth Godin200618PDF
Front-End Performance ChecklistSmashing Magazine202114HTML, PDF, DOCX, Pages
Future Of Enterprise UX, TheUX Pin201644PDF
Gamification at WorkJanaki Kumar & Mario Herger2013133HTML
Getting Started With UX Design Process And DocumentationUX Pin201533PDF
Glossary of Human Computer InteractionMads Soegaard & Rikke Friis Dam201592HTML
Guide To Agile UX Design Sprints, TheUX Pin201689PDF
Guide To Prototyping Process And Fidelity, TheUX Pin201633PDF
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JAMstack Radio201630 mins
Laravel News201545 mins
PHP Arch201760 mins
PHP Ugly201660 mins
Python Bytes201630 mins
Remote Ruby201845 mins
Remotely Interesting202045 mins
Ruby On Rails200930 mins
Ruby Rogues201160 mins
Secure Developer, The201645 mins
Security Now2005120 mins
Software Engineering Daily201560 mins
Software Engineering Radio200660 mins
Stack Overflow200830 mins
Talk Python201560 mins
Test And Code201530 mins
Under The Radar201530 mins


Agile For Humans201460 mins
Back To Work201190 mins
Bureau Briefing, The201630 mins
Being Freelance201530 mins
Bootstrapped Web201360 mins
Build Your SaaS201845 mins
Businessology201360 mins
DBMA201860 mins
Digital Insights201115 mins
Focused201660 mins
FreeCodeCamp201745 mins
Futur, The201660 mins
How I Built It201645 mins
Indie Hackers201790 mins
Love Your Work201515 mins
Masters Of Scale201730 mins
Nathan Barry201460 mins
ReWork201730 mins
Rocketship.fm201430 mins
Soft Skills Engineering201630 mins
Startups For The Rest Of Us201030 mins
Strong Feelings201860 mins
Wireframe201830 mins



5 Minutes Of React2017 - 20192415 mins
Babel2019 - 2020590 mins
Big Web Show, The2010 - 201918745 mins
Boagworld Show2005 - 202053460 mins
BxJS Weekly2018 - 202110845 mins
Chance The Developer2018 - 20201245 mins
CodeWinds2013 - 20151560 mins
Console Log, The2017 - 20199530 mins
Crater2014 - 201711660 mins
Creative Coding2011 - 20177460 mins
Day As A Dev2019745 mins
Designer VS Developer2017 - 20182515 mins
Developing Up2016 - 20205030 mins
DevPath.fm2018 - 20202945 mins
Does Not Compute2015 - 202128760 mins
Dev Hell2011 - 202010090 mins
Duck Tapes2019 - 20203330 mins
Ember Weekend2015 - 201913330 mins
Entrepreneurial Coder2019 - 20214660 mins
Faceoff2009 - 201112645 mins
Fixate On Code2017 - 20182530 mins
Front End, The2020 - 20212045 mins
JavaScript Air2015 - 20164860 mins
Ladybug2019 - 20218245 mins
Learn To Code With Me2016 - 202110045 mins
Localhost2017 - 20192860 mins
My JavaScript Story2017 - 202015845 mins
NodeUp2011 - 201812590 mins
OpenHiveJS2020 - 20211845 mins
PushPull2013 - 20173860 mins
React Podcast2018 - 202012345 mins
Request For Commits2016 - 20182060 mins
Responsive Design2014 - 20207230 mins
Responsive Web Design2014 - 201815730 mins
ScriptCast2017 - 20181945 mins
Start Here: Web Development2014 - 20174560 mins
State Of The Web, The20202430+ mins
Style Guide2015 - 20172045 mins
This Developers Life2010 - 20152660 mins
Three Devs And A Maybe2013 - 201916460 mins
TTL20151060 mins
Undefined20191645 mins
Web Ahead, The2011 - 201611760 mins
Web Platform, The2014 - 202220430 mins
Word Wrap2020 - 20224030 mins


13 Letters2020 - 20212260 mins
Aurelius2016 - 20213660 mins
Bread Time2017 - 20183930 mins
Chasing Waterfalls2019 - 2020745 mins
Design EDU Today2015 - 20186460 mins
Design Guy2007 - 20104015 mins
Design Huddle2018 - 20219730 mins
Design Jones, The2014 - 20184630 mins
Design Radio2019 - 2022415 mins
Design Review2014 - 20185960 mins
Design Untangled2017 - 20227015 mins
Designed Today2018 - 202010045 mins
Designer News FM20161245 mins
Dirt Show, The2017 - 2018445 mins
Dollars To Donuts2015 - 20203590 mins
Drunken UX2017 - 202217460 mins
Efficiently Effective2017 - 20181045 mins
Elements Of Design20201430 mins
Hacking UI2015 - 20183560 mins
Honest Designers Show, The2017 - 202110060 mins
Insert Content Here2012 - 20173045 mins
Iterate.fm20191245 mins
Jake & Jonathan2017 - 202015060 mins
Laroche2017 - 20185930 mins
Logo Geek2017 - 202214660 mins
Metric2015 - 20201530 mins
Mixed Methods2017 - 20182045 mins
Motion And Meaning2015 - 20161330 mins
Motion Hatch2017 - 202210260 mins
New Layer2019 - 20216345 mins
O'Reilly Design2015 - 20175030 mins
Observatory, The2014 - 202013430 mins
Opacity2019 - 20223245 mins
overflow: audible;2019360 mins
Overtime2015 - 202011060 mins
Path To Performance, The2015 - 20161260 mins
Presentable2016 - 202112360 mins
Roots2017 - 20229575 mins
True North2016 - 20172230 mins
TypeRadio2005 - 202255030 mins
UI Narrative2019 - 20226330 mins
UI Therapy2020830 mins
User Defenders2015 - 202211160 mins
Users Know2015 - 202212730 mins
UX BackStage2019 - 2021645 mins
UX Hustle2018 - 20227030 mins
UX Intern, The2013 - 20141360 mins
UX Pod2006 - 202212930 mins
UX Radio2013 - 20214245 mins
VanSEO Design2012 - 201510530 mins
Voice Of Design2018 - 20202460 mins
Web Axe2005 - 201510130 mins
Whiteboard.fm2020 - 20224060 mins
Working File2016 - 20172660 mins


All Things Git2017 - 20182045 mins
CodeCareer2019760 mins
Command Line Heroes2018 - 20227730 mins
Conversations About Software Engineering2017 - 20225160 mins
DevOp Cafe2010 - 20187960 mins
Don't Make Me Code2016 - 20171345 mins
Frontside, The2014 - 202113360 mins
Full Stack Radio2014 - 202115260 mins
Git Minutes2013 - 20184630 mins
How To Code Well2018 - 20207430 mins
HTTP 2032018 - 20223930 mins
Laracasts Snippet2015 - 202214215 mins
MageTalk2014 - 202224360 mins
Maintainers Anonymous2019 - 20201690 mins
PHP Town Hall2012 - 20218260 mins
Python Podcast2015 - 202238945 mins
Second Career Devs2017 - 20191960 mins
Serverless Chats2019 - 202214260 mins
Sound Of Symfony2014 - 20181960 mins
Spotlight2016 - 20181545 mins
Toolsday2015 - 202113030 mins
Voices Of The ElePHPant2011 - 202210015 mins
Web Of Tomorrow2015 - 20184960 mins
Web Security Warriors2015745 mins
Weekly Dev Tips2017 - 20217515 mins


Agile In 3 Minutes2015 - 20183815 mins
Ask A Freelancer2016 - 20171615 mins
Away From Keyboard2018 - 20191230 mins
Busy Creator, The2014 - 201710060 mins
Chats With Kent2019 - 20216330 mins
CMD Space2012 - 201410360 mins
Creative Briefs2012 - 20156660 mins
Creative Process, The2012 - 20131145 mins
Ctrl+Click Cast2013 - 201913230 mins
Design Life2015 - 201813030 mins
Double Your Freelancing2012 - 20188130 mins
Five Minute Geek, The2014 - 202011515 mins
Framework2018 - 20202460 mins
Freelance2015 - 20194745 mins
Freelance Transformation2015 - 201818060 mins
Freelancers Show, The2012 - 202142745 mins
Gently Mad, The2004 - 20187060 mins
Great Discontent2016 - 20182060 mins
Hustle2013 - 20229745 mins
Ladies In Tech2013 - 20142130 mins
Latitude2019 - 20202145 mins
Noise2019 - 20211045 mins
Non Breaking Space Show2012 - 201814460 mins
On Margins2017 - 20191060 mins
Orthogonal2016 - 202019530 mins
Product People2012 - 201910160 mins
Quit2012 - 201712160 mins
Start, The2014 - 20164590 mins
Thunder Nerds2015 - 202210060 mins
To Be Continuous2015 - 20205945 mins
Unfinished Business2013 - 201812860 mins
Workmode2016 - 20172830 mins
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